Born: Kuala Lumpur, MY
Lives and Works: Toronto, CA


Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario - Master of Fine Art
(Medal Winner, IAMD Program)

Grenfell College, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, Corner Brook, Newfoundland - Bachelor of Fine Art

Solo Exhibitions

ReSurfacing, Union House Arts, Port Union, Newfoundland

LUH!, Birch Contemporary, Toronto, Ontario

Cast/Off, Bonavista Biennale, Elliston, Newfoundland
Extra Baggage, Artspace Contemporary Art Projects, Peterborough, Ontario

FABRICating Identity, The New Gallery (TNG), Calgary, Alberta

Sea Change: Artworks from the Perspective of a Transracial Adoptee, OCADU Graduate Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

Skin, RCA Visual Gallery, St. John's, Newfoundland

Two / Three Person Exhibitions

Unmasking Otherness and Red Ochre: Mekwisiqwan, Grenfell Campus Art Gallery, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

She Ought to have Wondered, Raw, and Identity Issues In Transracial Adoptees, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John’s, Newfoundland

Artifactual Artifices, Arts and Culture Centre, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Group Exhibitions

Elliptical Lineages (Upcoming), Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB

Contextile 2022 - Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, Guimarães, Portugal
Fibreworks Biennial, Cambridge Art Galleries, Cambridge, Ontario

Wild, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, Ontario

1989-2019, Birch Contemporary, Toronto, Ontario

Into You: Fall in Deep, Humber Gallery North Space, Toronto, Ontario
Into You: On the Edge, Humber Gallery L Space, Toronto, Ontario
Blood Ties, Xpace Cultural Centre, Toronto, Ontario

OTHER WORLDS, Lieutenant Governor’s Suite at Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario
Are We There Yet?, Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts, Toronto, Ontario

GradEx, OCAD University's 100th Graduate Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario

Done Being Wrong, Brockton Collective, Toronto, Ontario

What Are You MADE OF?, OCADU Graduate Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

The Original Square Foot Annual Art Exhibition, AWOL Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

Newfoundland and Labrador Arts and Letters Exhibition, Arts and Culture Center, St. John’s, Newfoundland
Stills, First Space Gallery, QE II Library, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Radius 250, Art Space Gallery, Richmond, Virginia

10th Royal Renegade Recycled Art Show, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John’s, Newfoundland

Saints, Sleeveens, and One-Armed Surgeons, Struts Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick

Four on the Floor, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John’s, Newfoundland
6 12 2 16, Graduate Show, Sir Wilfred Grenfell Art Gallery, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Art Fairs

Papier, Montreal, Quebec

Philadelphia Fine Art Fair, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Art Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

Awards / Grants /Residencies

Travel Grant to Professionals in the Visual Arts, Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto, ON, Canada
Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario

Travel Grant to Professionals in the Visual Arts, Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto, ON, Canada
Project Grant to Visual Artist, Toronto Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario

Project Grant to Visual Artist, Toronto Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario
Research and Creation Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto, Ontario

Project Grant to Visual Artist, Toronto Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario

Project Grant to Visual Artist, Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto, Ontario
Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario

Artist in Residence, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John's, Newfoundland
Project Grant to Visual Artist, Toronto Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario

Honourable Mention Melissa Levin Emerging Artist Award, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Project Grant to  Visual Artist, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario
Project Grant to Visual Artist, Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto, Ontario
Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario
Travel Grant to Professionals in the Visual Arts, Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto, Ontario
Sponsored Artist Membership Program, The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

Project Grant to Visual Artist, Toronto Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario
Medal Winner, Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art Media and Design, Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario
President Graduate Award, Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media, and Design, Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario

Artist in Residence, 2 Rooms Contemporary Art Projects, Duntara, Newfoundland

Graduate Entrance Scholarship, Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario

Alumni Residency. Grenfell Campus Printshop, Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
Project Grant to Visual Artist, Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council, Newfoundland

Purchase Award Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Art Procurement Program, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Newfoundland

Purchase Award Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Art Procurement Program, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Newfoundland

Visiting Artist Lectures / Participated Events

Artist Talk, Union House Arts, Port Union, Newfoundland

Guest Curator, Not Fragile, Online Curated Collections, Toronto Outdoor Art Festival, Toronto, Ontario

Shifting Ground: A Making and Thinking Symposium, Material and The Immaterial, Co-presented by Harbourfront Centre and Craft Ontario, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, Ontario

Craft Futures Panel Discussion,  Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, Ontario
Artist Talk, Material Art & Design Thesis Class, Ontario College of Art and Design University, Ontario
Artist Talk, Career Development Centre For Emerging Artist & Designers, Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario

Artist Talk, Undergraduate Experimental Learning Course, Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario
Artist Talk, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John's, Newfoundland
Artist Talk, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Artist Talk,  Xpace Cultural Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Artist Talk,  Artspace Contemporary Art Projects, Peterborough, Ontario

Artist Talk, Labrador Creative Arts Festival, Goose Bay, Labrador
Linocut Printmaking Workshop, Makkovik, Labrador

Professional Affiliations / Boards / Juries

Juror, Toronto Arts Council, Visual Artist Program, Toronto, Ontario
Juror, Exhibition Programming for Union House Arts, Port Union, Newfoundland and Labrador

2021 - 22
Juror, Canada Council for the Arts, Visual Arts Program, Project Grants (Concept to Realization) Toronto, Ontario

Juror, Melissa Levin Emerging Artist Award, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Admissions Committee for Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media, and Design (student representative), Ontario College of Art and Design University, Toronto, Ontario


Tracings: Writing Art 1975-2020. Carr-Harris, Ian. Montreal: Concordia University Press, 2024.

"Material & The Immaterial.” Craft Ontario. Shifting Ground Symposium,  November 11, 2022. Web.

Omar Badrin.” Studio Editors. StudioMagazine,  November 1, 2020. Web.

 " Keeping Out with Omar Badrin." Folio. Broken Pencil  Magazine, February 18, 2020. Web.

"Wild at the Textile Museum of Canada." Akimblog. Akimbo. Last accessed January  23, 2025. Web.

Omar Badrin Verbeeldt Gevoelens Van Anders Zijn in Gehaakte Maskers.” Textiel Plus,  December 17, 2018. Web.

"Textile Museum  Profile: Omar Badrin." NOW Magazine,  May 4, 2018. Web.

Growing Up, Omar Badrin ‘Wore a Mask’ to Protect against Racist Bullies. Now He’s Made It His Art.” CBC Arts, March 27, 2018. Web. 

"An Artist's Grotesque Portraits of Life as an Outsider." Daily VICEJanuary 10, 2018. Web.

 “The World's Newest Biennale, in Outport Newfoundland.” Canadian Art, August 23, 2017. Web.

“Unmasking Omar Badrin.” Instudio. IDEAS OCAD University, July 27, 2016. Web.

"Skin.” Arts Atlantic, no. 70 (2002): 50.


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